New York Penn Station Capacity Expansion

Quick Facts

Concept Planning (to be completed in spring 2025)

  • Increased rail capacity on the Northeast Corridor
  • New station tracks and platforms
  • New state-of-the-art customer experience and amenities
  • Improved connectivity and passenger flow

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) awarded the project a Federal State Partnership grant in November 2024 to complete planning and engineering.

Completion of concept planning in Q1 2025

Amtrak, NJ TRANSIT, Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Amtrak, NJ TRANSIT, State of New York, FRA

Supporting Additional Northeast Corridor (NEC) Capacity for a New Era of Passenger Rail

Greater train capacity at New York Penn Station is needed to accommodate existing and anticipated passenger demand. Long-overdue infrastructure improvements are being planned as part of the Gateway Program. After decades of underinvestment, several projects have received FRA grants and future funding commitments, which will allow increased peak-hour train service into Penn Station from New Jersey and destinations south and west. To accommodate the steady growth of ridership along the NEC and in the west-of-Hudson commuter market, the Penn Station Capacity Expansion Project will increase rail capacity in New York.

Key elements of the Penn Station Capacity Expansion Project could include:

Project Status

The Railroad Partners (Amtrak, NJ TRANSIT, and MTA) are continuing to advance early design and engineering work, and have begun stakeholder and public outreach to prepare for the initiation of the environmental review process for the project. This includes the convening of the Station Working Advisory Group in September 2024.

Visit the Penn Station Complex website for project updates and upcoming events.