New York Penn Station Reconstruction

Quick Facts

Preliminary Engineering (to be completed in June 2025)

  • Modernized HVAC and safety systems
  • Intuitive concourse layout and wayfinding
  • Reduced crowding in passenger concourses
  • Improved, ADA accessible station entrances

The FRA awarded the project a FSP-NEC grant in November 2024, which covers environmental review and project development.

Completion of preliminary engineering in June 2025


Amtrak, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NJ TRANSIT, U.S. DOT Federal Railroad Administration

Enhancing safety, accessibility, operations, and customer experience at New York Penn Station

Amtrak, MTA, and NJ TRANSIT are jointly advancing the Penn Station Reconstruction Project, with the purpose of improving safety, railroad operations, and the customer experience within the existing facility. Penn Station is overcrowded, outdated, and in need of continued investment to enhance safety and operations and secure its status as a modern transportation hub. Together with Moynihan Train Hall, these and other future improvements, will support the economic vitality of New York City and the surrounding area

Key elements of the Penn Station Reconstruction project include:

  • Modernization of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and other critical safety and operational systems;
  • Accessibility and egress improvements for station entrances at 7th Avenue, 8th Avenue, and new Station entrances on 31st and 33rd Streets in the midblock between Madison Square Garden and the PENN 2 office building;
  • Platform accessibility and egress improvements to improve passenger flow;
  • Widening and modernization of concourses to address crowding, outdated building systems, and passenger conditions through the removal of portions of the upper level.

Project Status

The Railroad Partners are continuing to advance early design and engineering work and have begun stakeholder and public outreach as part of the project planning process. This includes the convening of the Station Working Advisory Group in September 2024.

Visit the Penn Station Complex website for project updates and upcoming events.